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Are you currently looking for guest bloggers?
Defintely. I would love you as a guest blogger. If you would like to be a guest blogger, contact me here with all of your information, including blog address, your name, and what you would like to blog about. I will then contact about more details.

I have a blog that I would like to considered for Thankful Thursday. How can I make that happen?
Linking blogs with other blogs is an important promotional tool for you to get your blog out there to other readers that may not have otherwise found you. I would love to have you on my blog. Contact me here and I will give you some interview questions and other information needed for your shout out. The only two requirements I have is to mention me on your blog with a link back my blog and like my facebook page. That's it! How about if I'm just a loyal reader? Contact me with what makes you a loyal reader. You should have at least commented on some of the posts and like my facebook page as well but I definitely want to highlight you.

How can I get my submissions on Show Me Saturday?
Show Me Saturday is used to showcase the reader submissions of projects that you posted during that week. I can't wait to see what projects you create. Post them here to the Flickr group so I, along with fellow readers can see all of your amazing creations. I will then choose some submissions from the projects created that week. All projects must be posted to the Flickr group by Saturday at 3pm to be considered for the current week's Show Me Saturday. If you have shared your creation that week, be on the lookout Saturday to see if your project(s) were selected. Loyal readers and readers who submit projects often will also be considered for Thankful Thursday and will be notified before that post goes out.


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I'd love to hear what you have to say. Do you have tips, comments, suggestions or something totally else to say? I want to know. Your comments and opinions mean a lot!

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